Thursday, February 11, 2016

PALS Poster Contest

Marshall County PALS (People Against a Littered State)
Local Poster and New this Year, Recycled Art Contest

Marshall County PALS (People Against a Littered State) hold a Local Poster and Recycled Art contest in association with Alabama PALS State wide contest. We have different deadline dates from Alabama PALS,  so that we can judge the Posters and Recycled Art for local Marshall County  winners. The contest is for K-3 and 4-6 grades for the posters and 7-12 grades for the Recycled Art contest.

Local winners in K-3 and 4-6 can each win 1st, 2n , 3rd and honorable mention.
1st Place winners receive $100.00, 2nd Place winners $75.00, 3rd Place winners $50.00 and a certificate for honorable mention.

Local winners in 7-12 grades for the Recycled Art win $100.00 for 1st place, $75.00 for 2nd place, $50.00 for 3rd and a certificate for honorable mention. On the recycled art contest students may work in groups of 1 to 5 with the prize money being divided between all working in the group.

First places winners in each category are then sent to Alabama PALS in Montgomery for the State Wide Contest. First Place winners in each category in the State contest win $250.00 and 2nd, 3rd place and honorable mention receive a plaque at the State level. These are presented to all winner and honorable mention winners at the Governor’s Awards in November held in Prattville, Alabama.

The deadline for posters and recycled art to be received for the local contest is April 26, 2016. These are to be at the local MCPALS office, 424 Blount Av., G-17, Guntersville, Al. by 3PM. Should you have trouble getting the posters and/or recycled art projects to the office by that date, please call 256 582-1918 or e-mail and we will arrange for someone to pick up posters and/or recycled art.

The guidelines for posters and recycled art are as follows:

Poster Theme: “Litter is___________________________.”

Categories for Posters K-3 and 4 – 6 Grades

1.  Standard White Poster Board or Foam Board (May be split in half)

2. Back of Poster must include:
       Student name, Grade, Telephone number of Student/Parent, E-mail of            Student/Parent, Teacher name, School, telephone Number of School and e-mail
of Teacher/School