Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Martin Luther King Jr. Centers

This past week we spent our Social Studies time learning about Martin Luther King Jr. There are many weeks that I will choose do centers during this time. The kids enjoy working in small groups and rotating each day. So here is a peak at our Martin Luther King Jr. Centers:

Monday: Introduction
We watched a clip of Martin Luther King Jr. and his "I Have a Dream" speech. We also watch a informational powerpoint about his life. Each student had the choice to write an informational writing about MLKJ or write about their own personal dream. We posted them on our bulletin board along with a  MLKJ QR Code paper. The paper has links to videos and websites about MLKJ. 

Tuesday-Friday: MLKJ Centers

Scan, Watch, and Write




Thursday, January 8, 2015

Fall is Finished....

Now that we are officially into Winter, I guess it is time to recap our busy Fall. So here we go.....
The best way to keep up with our daily activities and learning is by following our class instagram!

Columbus Day:

Red Ribbon Week:

Pumpkin Projects:
You can see our Halloween Costume Writings as well as our How to Carve a Pumpkin writings in the background.

Team Spirit: Go Aggies

Veterans Day Centers:

Spider Learning & Reports

Bat Writing:

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Reading Block Makeover

Each year my goal is to improve overall as a teacher so that my students can learn more. I am on my 4 th year now....I have built on my previous goal each year and I am loving growing as a teacher but mostly I love to see my students grow through what I have learned!

My Yearly Goals:
First Year: I survived ( I tryed really hard but looking back....it was survival)
Second Year: New Math Series so focus a lot on improving Math instruction/ Daily Five
Third Year: New ELA & Writing standards..... writing was a huge focus last year
Currently: Breaking away from "cookie cutter instruction mold" and developing engaging, standards based instruction during whole group and small group reading.

Whole Group:
Before: Everyone sits on carpet. I use a powerpoint to click through and teach the lesson. Although I used some whole brain learning...there wasn't as much student interaction or hands on learning

We still come to carpet but sit in a big circle which includes me sitting "criss cross applesauce" on the floor too. Technology as a tool through online videos to introduce our weekly question.I rotate days using A few vocabulary games and comprehension skill video. We stand, sit, move, and are engaged! We do group and partner activities to practice our phonics skill and high frequency words. Each day is different and everyone is learning.

Small Group
I always made sure my student we're learning. I followed the teacher guide to direct my small groups. Skills were taught but I'm not sure how much students enjoyed their small group time.

After: I still review the teacher guide for ideas, along with the current standards, and combine them with fun, engaging, and motivating activities.

Lots of reading for a purpose. They may be looking for facts about a topic or searching for a particular word that matching a phonics skill. You will also see a lot a writing or recording their learning. Last but not least fun accessories... Mini finger lights, funny glasses, sticky notes......